Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inaugural Wednesday: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Baked into a Vanilla Cupcake with Peanut Butter Frosting

Today marks the very first "Cupcake Wednesday", and I must say it's been the most successful Cupcake Wednesday ever! I have been glued to the website 'Bake it in a Cake' for a couple weeks and wanting to take the leap of baking something unexpected into a cupcake. The obvious choice was Reese's Peanut Butter cups because they are delicious and seemed to be an easy product to work with for my first attempt. While the site had examples of baking the cups in a banana or chocolate cake, I chose a basic white (box) cake, and I'm glad I did. Paired with peanut butter frosting and chocolate shavings, the cupcakes were extremely sweet but oh so tasty. A word of advice: don't make them too big.